Ridge Manor, Florida Speed Traps
Ridge Manor Blvd. Between Hwy 301 and I75
Troopers and County deputies constantly patrol this stretch ticketing all those who bend the rules as the speed limit drops from 60 to 45 traps are frequently set up as one officer rolls another takes his place. Lots of cash generated for Hernando county. avoid the area if possible.
SR 50 between 301 Brooksville, FL
State Route 50 in Hernando County, FL is the most excessively patrolled road in west central Florida – I drive it 5 days a week and nearly every day my radar detector is going off either going to or coming from work (or both) – there is much more Florida Highway Patrol presence on this 4 lane country highway than there is on nearby (intersecting) I-75, & if the FHP ain’t there, the Hernando County Sheriff is (or, once again, sometimes both) — it has to be about the money.