Sanford, Florida Speed Traps

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Old Lake Mary Rd@Crystal Lake Ave

Sanford, FloridaMay 05, 20110 Comments

Old Lake Mary RD ,turns into Crystal Lake Ave,and speed limit goes from 45mph to 25mph as you go into Lake Mary City limits. Lake Mary PD units sit in blind curve and pick off motorist headed southbound on Old Lake Mary RD.

On Highway 46 towards Mims past Hwy 415 intersection.

Sanford, FloridaSep 06, 20100 Comments

A gray Ford Mustang GT (old body style) with tinted glass is waiting to pull you over if you speed or if you go over the divider lines.
BIG Tickets!

417 (Greenway) at I-4

Sanford, FloridaApr 26, 20101 Comments

Troopers love to sit in the median just east of I4 where northbound 417 dumps off to I4 east. They can get folks coming off westbound I4 onto the 417 heading south and also nail people northbound on the 417 going to either Daytona Beach or towards Lake Mary. It’s where they got me.

I-4 Eastbound and Westbound at S.R. 46A

Sanford, FloridaJun 02, 20090 Comments

A single motorcycle cop will sit on the overpass looking eastbound, clocking cars as they go away from him. Multiple, sometimes as many as 6, cops will be pulling people over at the next on-ramp, which is hidden from the traffic lanes. This is hard to catch because the all of the cops are hidden and there is a slight hill directly after the trap where the people get pulled over. Westbound, cops will hide in the brush under the 46A overpass.

Hartwell Avenue near West 25th Street – Highway 46A

Sanford, FloridaMay 14, 20081 Comments

Traveling north on Hartwell ave you will come to hiway 46 west 25th st..there is a No left turn sign hiding in the trees..cops will ticket if you make left turn..sign is not clearly visible and hard to see. They have not cut the tree back so the sign is in the open.


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