Sarasota, Florida Speed Traps
on southbound Beneva Rd. just north of Bahia Vista
Sheriff”s cars using radar wait in driveways and on side streets on the west side of Beneva as one approaches Bahia Vista
Bahia Vista / Tuttle Ave.
There is now a camera here which takes your picture if you run the red light at this intersection from any direction! There are several cameras at Sarasota intersections as well! $ 264.00 fine, and you MUST attend driver improvement class, if you refuse, your license is revoked by Florida DMV by law!
McIntosh / Clark Rd.
If you’re heading Southbound on McIntosh from Clark, the speed limit is only 30 MPH, until you cross the RR tracks, NOT 40 MPH! If you’re heading Southbound, speed limit is 40 MPH, but right after you cross the RR tracks, it drops to 30 MPH!
Sarasota Deputies and FHP usually are always on the side driveways in the 30MPH zone running Radar and/or Laser especially at night!! Watch it!!
47th Lockwood Ridge to MLK
Sheriff cars marked unmarked parked on left and right both directions and two of them were in center divider about 3 blocks apart, it was very distracting.