Sebastian, Florida Speed Traps

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Laconia Street near State Highway 512

Sebastian, FloridaOct 01, 20070 Comments

Motorcycle cops out to ticket anyone doing anything over 30mph

US Highway 1 near Wendy’s

Sebastian, FloridaSep 11, 20070 Comments

Police often pull out of the Wendy’s and nearby parking lots with radar guns.

Roseland Road near Bridge Area

Sebastian, FloridaSep 11, 20070 Comments

Police sometimes sit in the park east the bridge or in the grassy area of the church west of the bridge. Radar machine east of the bridge, doesn’t have a camera. The speed limit here is 35mph but had always been 45mph in the past. Was 50mph some years ago. 45mph would be a reasonable speed for the road but I think they are cutting the speed limit down to discourage use of the road.

Sebastian CR 512 Boulevard near Roseland Road

Sebastian, FloridaJul 27, 20070 Comments

Due to the construction between Roseland Rd. & just past Cr 510 on CR 512 – the speed limit has been reduced to 35 mph. Don’t think about going over! The cops are out in force in cars & on motorcycles! Mostly in morning rush hour – but also for evening drive home!

State Route 512 near US Highway 1

Sebastian, FloridaJul 22, 20071 Comments

Have noticed Sebastian police sitting in middle strip short distance after you turn onto SR 512, going West. To be safe, watch out for them the whole way on 512, especially around the elementary school, where the speed limit drops to 20 MPH from 35!

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