Sunrise, Florida Speed Traps

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Sunset Strip Street near 15th or 16th Street

Sunrise, FloridaOct 03, 20071 Comments

Cops hide at the church behind the sign in front

44th Street near N Hiatus Road

Sunrise, FloridaSep 28, 20070 Comments

Radar is setup, usually on the offroad side of a van, between Hiatus and 115th Ave. Speed limit is 35 MPH, but nearly evryone exceeds it.

North Univeristy Drive near West Sunrise Boulevard

Sunrise, FloridaJun 01, 20070 Comments

MotoCycles are sitting at the entrance to the Villa’s on the North bound side Just after Cleary Blvd…

Sunset Strip Boulevard near Pine Island Avenue

Sunrise, FloridaJun 15, 20060 Comments

East bound west of PIne Island,

Sawgrass Expresway at Sunrise Blvd.

Sunrise, FloridaJul 24, 20020 Comments

Tropers are under the passover and catch southbound traffic entering Sawgrass mills area. They also have radar car and on northbound access rd. They monitor ” coming and Going””! “

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