Tampa, Florida Speed Traps
Regents Park Street near Bruce B Downs Boulevard
As you exit Pebble Creek, there are a few motorcycle popo standing on the side of the road, waiting to nail someone. So if youre in the area, remember, speed limit in the area is 90 mph.
Fletcher Avenue near US Highway 75
Anywhere on Fletcher Ave from I-75 west to 56th St. These cops will hide in Lake Carlton Arms Apts as well as in other apt communities in UNDERCOVER cop cars. I have seen people pulled over by cops in mustangs and the like. They are NOT using regular cop cars in this speed trap.
Crosstown-Selmon Expressway near 78th St. toll booths
Traveling east from Tampa at 10 pm on a weekenight, the posted speed limit is 50 mph for most of the way until just before the road turns for the toll booths at 78th street. Just at that bend, the speed limit drops to 40 mph, then hundreds of feet later, it drops to 30 mph. The average motorist is already reducing speed to begin the entrance into the toll booths at that point anyway. Had the lights put on me as I was entering the toll booth, and pulled off to the side just past the toll booth. Was citing for speeding in a 30 mph area.
River Hills Drive near 22nd north Street
Motorcycle cops hide behind a tree across from Rowlett Park on River Hills Drive.