Tampa, Florida Speed Traps
Interstate 275 near Going south right before you hit Bearrs
They recently put white lines in the road going south on 275 for planes to time you. For the last 3 weeks there has been a reallty big plane flying overhead very slow and calling in speeders to about 6 troopers below. They got me 🙁
Bayshore Boulevard near Rome Street
I drive Bayshore constantly and always tend to see a speedtrap set near the intersection of Rome and Bayshore ( morning – mid-day) They like to hide behind the gym bars and hit people going North. For those who are coming South, they like to stand in the median on Bayshore between Rome and Howard. Watch it….they’re out with radar a blazin’!
Orient Road near Orient Rd. Jail
If your coming from Highway 60 you are going down a hill into a 35mph speed limit, and their is an officer in a random police car parked in a line of about 20 police cars who radars you as soon as you come off the hill and then toward the end if the jail property their is a BIG guy who signals you to pull over. I know this because I am a bail bondsman and I work On Orient Rd. and I have to go to the Jail about 10 to 15 times a day.
Whiteway Drive near 46th Street
Tampa cops park on the grass at ball metal container on whiteway at the 4700 block.mid morning and around dusk. Often radar is set up prior to the ticketing officer via motorcycle cop.
Linebaugh Avenue near Sheldon Road
The new baby blue Ford Explorers and Tan GMC Yukons like to sit behind the Burger King to either pick you off with radar for the boys down the road or if you cut the light off by driving through that long unused driveway.