Tampa, Florida Speed Traps

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I-275 between MLK and Fowler

Tampa, FloridaMay 01, 20010 Comments

Police sit along the side of the road with their lights on as if they have already pulled someone over. They really haven’t, and are just waiting for people to speed by so that they can go after them.

Bayshore Blvd, Davis Island Entrance (End Of Bridge),And Veterans Expressway

Tampa, FloridaFeb 01, 20010 Comments

They Just Wait For You To Pass By After Hiding In The Cut Or Behind A Big Shrubbery Or Just Hide At The Toll Booth And Pull Out After U When Its Too Late.

Sheldon Road between Sickles Highschool and Linebaugh

Tampa, FloridaOct 01, 20000 Comments

Motorcycles are out in full force here. They hide very well in the center median turn lanes and on the sides of the road up on the sidewalks. Speed limit is 45 and they are going after people even going 50. During the past month, two of my friends have gotten nailed by this one. Watch out, they are being tricky on this road.

Linebaugh Avenue, Under Expressway Overpass

Tampa, FloridaOct 01, 20000 Comments

Officer’s hide under the overpass at night, with all lights off. They sit in the dark, with the radar off and when they see someone come within range, they instantly clock you. Then, the parking lights come on and eventually the red and blue strobes as they pull out of their hiding spot behind the center median supports and proceed to follow you and ticket you. Look next time, it’s hard to see where they hide unless you look carefully, because they hide with ALL LIGHTS OFF.

Gunn Hwy-between Citrus Park Mall and Anderson Road

Tampa, FloridaOct 01, 20000 Comments

Officers sit in the median turn lanes right before and after the bridge where the road makes a slight turn. It’s too late to react when you spot them. I have seen them out with 2-5 patrol cars & motorcycles in this speed trap. It seems to be a daily thing. The past month I have looked out of my balcony and watched them every day.

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