Tangerine, Florida Speed Traps

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US Highway 441 near Lake Ola Drive

Tangerine, FloridaSep 04, 20080 Comments

Orange County units sit at the bottom of the hill in the median of Hwy. 441 and snag southbound drivers with radar as they crest the hill. They’ll step out onto 441 and wave you over to the side of the road at Lake Ola Drive. Beware!

US Highway 441 Southbound near Lake Ola Motel

Tangerine, FloridaMar 15, 20060 Comments

An Orange County Sheriff on motorcycle in the median points his radar gun at southbound traffic when they crest a hill about 1/4 mile away. You can’t see him till you are over the hill, then he points to you to pull over, just before Lake Ola motel. Limit is 55 mph.

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