Venice, Florida Speed Traps
Laurel Road near 75 Expressway
They set up across the street from the Venetian,speed is 45 most drive 55.
Tamiami Trail S. US 41 Trail near Timberline Boulevard
Police hide in the entrance to the old driving range directly opposite Timberline blvd. They are there all times of the day checking speeds and citing tickets.
Airport/Beach Rd Drive near Along Airport & Harbor Dr.
Unmarked police cars in various parking lots or side streets along both the north side of the airport (Airport Drive & Beach Rd) and west side (Harbor Drive). Speed limit is 30 mph which is ridiculous.and they do give tickets!
Pinebrook Road near Laurel road to Venice Ave Road
Heading south on Pinebrook (30mph) from Laurel road all the way to venice ave. This has been submitted before but can not be said enough. Don’t speed here, you’ll get caught. I delivered pizzas in Venice for a few months and took this road as little as possible. Use Albee Farm road (40mph) instead, you’ll hit 41 just south of Bird Bay and its about 1/8th of a mile to Venice ave from there.
Also Capri Isles is to be avoided at all costs. Speed limit is 20-25 with golf cart crossings and tons of old person communities. Don’t ever drive on Capri Isles unless you live there, even though it runs all the way from Edmonson to venice ave.
Pinebrook Road near Edmunson & Venice Ave Road
Speed limit is 30 mph. There are several rest homes and play grounds along this stretch. The police station is also near by.