Venice, Florida Speed Traps
Venice Avenue near US 41 and Splash store
Heading north on 41, a police car is usually seen on the right hand side of the road where the speed limit drops from 45 mph to 40 mph, aimed at catching speeders going 50 mph.
Pinebrook Street near Between Edmonson and Venice Ave
Speed limit on this busy section of the street is 30 mph because it goes through play grounds and rest homes.
East Venice Avenue near 41 Bypass
Seems to be a lot of action. Have seen police hide on the side of buildings, between trees, and on side streets, Speed limit is 35mph. Should be at least 45.
Pinebrook Ave between Venice Ave and Laurel Rd.
Ridiculous 30 mph limit on a fairly new roadway. Needs rethought. Almost the feeling of travelling backwards when having to keep a constant 30 mph over a few mile straight stretch.