Wesley Chapel, Florida Speed Traps

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On 75 S/ near 56

Wesley Chapel, FloridaJun 18, 20150 Comments

Several motorcycle cops pulling vehicles over, southbound on 75 just past Road 56.

Old Pasco Road, between Over Pass and SR 54. speed limit 30

Wesley Chapel, FloridaMar 22, 20120 Comments

Speed limit reduced from 45 to 30 after Overpass for no aparent reason other than a few houses in the lower section. Will ticket at 35and often hide in streets entering Old Pasco Road.

Wells Road near Curley Road

Wesley Chapel, FloridaJun 12, 20080 Comments

Wells Road in front of the Wesley Chapel school complex. There is an Elementary, Middle and High School all together, so the speed limit is 30MPH for the children’s safety. Enforcement is common, and understandable, when school is in session and children are present. (Almost 4000 between the three schools.)

However, this qualifies as a speed trap as enforcement is also common during times when no children would be expected. Week-ends, school holidays, evenings, etc. These are locked and fenced campuses, so the kids can’t be there when school is not in session. There are no houses on the road, so when school is not in session, the area is generally deserted.

Because the other roads in the area have 45-55 speed limits, people tend to drive similar speeds on Wells Road when the schools are closed. I’ve personally not been a victim of this trap, but drive it regularly and see people pulled over consistently at all hours.


State Route 56 near Bruce B Downs Boulevard

Wesley Chapel, FloridaNov 05, 20070 Comments

Once on SR 56 past I75, going towards Bruce B Downs there is always at least 2 cops sitting in the median. I get off of work everynight at 11, and I see them in the same exact spot nightly. My Valentine 1 picks them up from a mile away, but they are only going for the Real speeders. The speed limit is 55mph, but I’ve seen people go by the cops at over 65mph, and they let them go. The road can safely be driven at 75-80mph as I find myself doing that speed frequently. They always sit in the median where there is an opening to make a u-turn or to go into one of the various shopping centers on the other side of the road. Be careful out there.

Overpass Road

Wesley Chapel, FloridaMay 27, 20050 Comments

Between Boyette Rd and Old Pasco Rd. Numerous good hiding places.

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