Arnoldsville, Georgia Speed Traps
all Oglethorpe County roads
Last election brought a new sheriff to town! He apparently has watched too many ‘git ’em’ and become a hero (in your own mind) movies. Sheriff and deputies literally get ON your bumper. You cannot see any identification on their cars through your mirror. I felt harassed and endangered. If I had touched my brakes, there is no way he could have avoided hitting me from behind. I am 75 years old, it was deer hunting season and I know the risk of good ole’ boys being drunk and just riding around… I was driving extremely slow looking for a possible house to buy. I finally pulled over when I felt safe and the car passed allowing me to see the “Sheriff” sign on his door. He later told a deputy he was ‘on me’ because I was driving so slow & thought I might need help….(if he really thought that, why didn’t he offer help when I pulled over?? ) I later saw other police cars “attached” to a drivers bumper. Isn’t it a Georgia law that you must allow so much space for the car in front of you??? Apparently these ‘deputies’ are being trained by their leader to harass the driver in front until you have cause to stop them and give them a ticket. I saw in the news paper while I was there that citations had more than TRIPLED since this Wyatt Errp was put in a ‘cop car’. Dangerous, illegal, and gives Georgia a BAD name.