Augusta, Georgia Speed Traps
RiverWatch Parkway near Interstate I-20
Speed drops to 35mph going under the I-20 bridge. Have seen officers sitting on either side of bridge. Also, have seen officers one block up sitting in median at night with light off.
Tobacco Rd. Expressway near Augusta Regional Airport
When Tobacco Rd. was enlarged it was assumed that the area would be heavy industrial, and the appropriate 45 mph speed limit was posted. However, the industry never materialized. Now this stretch of road is the best and least used in the area. It is four lanes with a center lane of straight smooth hwy with very little traffic. The posted limit should be at least 55mph. It’s such a good highway that its hard to do 45 mph. However, if you don’t, you will find one of Richmond County’s finest behind you at any time of the day or night.
US Highway Gordon near Interstate 520
A Sheriff will stand on the overpass of Gordon Hwy with his speed detector clocking cars going both east and west bound as they pass. He will then radio back to 3 or 4 officers waiting in between Wrightsboro and Wheeler just before the construction. The cars going east bound, there are police waiting about a mile down, just around the turn after Gordon Hwy.
Interstate 20 near Interstate 520
Augusta recently bought a laser radar gun and use it quite a lot in teams. They have one officer with the laser who clocks all cars and up to eight officers up the road, usually parked on the on-ramps, which receive the calls to stop from the first car. When they finish the ticket, they return to the on-ramp and get back in line. Regular posted speed limits with very low tolerance for exceeding.