Augusta, Georgia Speed Traps
Scott Nixon Memorial Road near Bobby Jones Expressway
Scott Nixon Road behind Stardust Skating Rink is a horrible speed trap. The posted speed limit is 35 and you will get pulled for going 36. There is always at least one motorcycle cop between the concrete company and the church. They are there every day, all day and pull a good 20-30 cars a day. The worst time is early to mid morning. The sun is blinding when you are driving towards Bobby Jones and you won’t see the cop until he’s behind you with lights on. The speed limit is way too slow for that road.
Wrightsboro Road near County Line
Traveling Eastbound on Wrighstboro Rd coming from Columbia County, almost everyday in the AM sits a Silver traffic car. Obey the posted speed limit here or you WILL get a citation.
J.C. Calhoun Rd.
Richmond County cop sits on right-side of the road near the MCG exit. His car is silver with little markings, no lightbar, his lights turned off, he is positioned well off the shoulder of the road. You won’t see him until he’s got you. Speed is posted at 50 but the road is divided with a wall, looks like a faster road, but don’t let it fool you. I was pulled over going 55. I think his radar was broken since he said it clocked me at 73! He wrote me up for 65 in a 50, even though I was only going 55. Next time you are in Augusta in either Columbia or Richmond counties, put your cruise control on the posted limit.
Bobby Jones Expressway near Richmond Hill overpass
State Patrol will sit in the right emergency lane parked with his trunk open and driver door. He will lean out the door and shoot radar and call in speeders to parked cars about a 1/2 mile ahead and they will get you. When you come up on his car it looks like a parked car on the roadside so be careful.
I-520 {Bobby Jones Expressway}
One police officer will sit on the Gordon Hwy overpass and tag the calls, then radio to the other officers; sitting just under the bridge the make and model of the car. Beware on Bobby Jones expressway, the speed limit is 55 MPH,even though for the most people the min. speed is 80 MPH, they are looking for those out of state tags.