Bainbridge, Georgia Speed Traps
Hwy. 84 east of Bainbridge to the Grady County Line
You can not drive this portion of the Hwy. without experiencing a police presence like no other place in the U.S. You will see at least one and as many as six patrol cars in this 8 mile distance. All will have you on radar. You will need to contend with the Georgia State Patrol, Bainbridge Public Safety, Climax Cop (one), and the Decatur County Sheriffs Deputies. With the exception of the County Sherriffs Deputies, these out of control cops are looking for any reason to stop you, ticket you, search your vehicle and arrest you if they can. I challenge anyone to find a more abused use of a police force. The Climax and Bainbridge Police Depts. fund their existence through these absurd police stops on this Hwy. Beware, it truly is a police state.
Hwy 97S
Local police department and sheriff office condones and encourages officers to trump up any reason to stop the under 30 crowd and will do a complete search of car and trunk in hopes of finding a marijuana seed. A couple of local officers are nutcases; smile, pay your fine and don’t try to question their reason for stopping you.