Blue Ridge, Georgia Speed Traps

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515 near Union line

Blue Ridge, GeorgiaMar 11, 20110 Comments

it is a trap. i have witnessed several cars pulled over there.

Fannin County Line – Intersection Hwy 515 & Hwy 5

Blue Ridge, GeorgiaOct 28, 20100 Comments

Law enforement works radar (Fannin County S.O and City of Blue Ridge) primarily in this stretch of Hwy 515, however they are active in all parts of Fannin County, especially when there are many tourist in the area.

State Highway 515 near Roses Parking Lot

Blue Ridge, GeorgiaOct 01, 20070 Comments

Blue Ridge typically will sit at the Roses parking lot and watch traffic. If you are observed going faster than what they think is legal they will pull out. Also they are checking for "cruisers".

State Highway 515 near City Limits/ June Walker Chevrolet

Blue Ridge, GeorgiaJul 15, 20061 Comments

blue ridge officers sit on side roads between city limits at june walker and mcdonalds intersections to run radar

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