Carrolton, Georgia Speed Traps

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Highway 27 south near Miller Academy rd.

Carrolton, GeorgiaJun 15, 20200 Comments

There is a 1/4 mile hill going down to buck creek. The grade is around 30 degrees. That means you speed up around ten miles an hour going down. State patrol operates a speed trap at the bottom of the hill. They do a very good business.

Interstate 20 west near Exit Number 122

Carrolton, GeorgiaOct 20, 20040 Comments

Police will be on top of the Exit 122 overpass, awaiting officers are hidden from view on the I 20 on ramp going both directions. They are usually found M-W-F between 10am and 2pm. I travel this strecth on a daily basis. So Drivers Beware!

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