College Park, Georgia Speed Traps
Interstate 85 North/South near Camp Creek Parkway
College Park H.E.A.T. units will get you with Laser at all times of the day. I noticed that they have HEAT cars on day and night schedules so beware. Also, they are getting pretty serious about the move over law. Don’t buzz a cop while they have someone pulled over. It will hurt your pocket and give you points on your license. I hear that you can be fined up to $500 also. I saw new signs on 85 North warning about the law so this means that they are probably going to be pulling everyone over for the move over law. It is simple to avoid, just get over one lane or slow down below the speed limit and you should be fine. If you rock their car as you go by I am sure you will regret it. Be safe everyone!
Camp Creek Parkway near Hartsfield-Jackson Airport
The area from I-285 all the way to Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport is a speed trap. Also at the corner of Camp Creek and Conely rd (leaving the airport) is an area clearly marked no u-turn, which drivers regularly violate. Dont do it. The police sit and wait right around the curve behind the trees to get u if u do. I drive this route and see it all the time. So watch your speed and obey all signs. East point and College Park police both patrol this 3 mile stretch and are always hungry for action it seems.
Interstate 85 near Camp Creek Parkway
Coming north thorugh College Park on 85N the cops wait under the bridges (Camp Creek Pkwy). One was gunning and 4 cops were waiting to pull people over. I got caught 76 in 55. 55 is unrealistic here and everyone was going the same speed. Problem was I was in the far left lane by the cop with the laser. Also this was a Sunday morning about 9:30 AM.
Camp Creek Parkway near Conley Drive
The Police watch this intersection, especially westbound comming out of the Atlanta Airport for illegal u-turns. Alot of people are lost and trying to find their way back to the airport. The intersection is marked with three no u-turn signs. Claiming that you are lost will not work with these folks. I got a ticket anyway. I travel this area alot and I always see the Police sitting on the side road watching the intersection. You can’t see them until you are in the middle of a turn.
Interstate I-85 near Mile Marker 66-74
I see, on a daily basis Dark Blue College Park H.E.A.T. cars (state sponsored traffic enforcement) and white patrol cars working this stretch of interstate, and on some days a pair of motorcycles also. The posted speed limit is 55 mph (as is all of I-285 and the metro area inside of I-285). I have been stopped in the area for running 78, which was on the high side of traffic, but not unreasonable. The officer was nice, but it cost me $210.00. I drive the area daily at 70 and have no problems.
I see between one and four cars on this stretch on my way to and from work EVERY DAY and almost every one I see has someone pulled over. DO NOT go flying through here. The Atlanta area is changing and 80+ mph is no longer being ignored!
I have also seen "multi-jurisdictional" reports on the news about these H.E.A.T. units and it appears that all of the agencies involved allow the other agency units to work in their area. That means the cars can go pretty much anywhere in the Metro Atlanta area and make stops! Watch out.
Although the one I dealt with was nice, I could tell that the chances of getting a warning from him were about like getting a warning from a motorcycle cop — zero!