Fort Gaines, Georgia Speed Traps

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ga 39 north just past the East Bank public day use area

Fort Gaines, GeorgiaSep 07, 20120 Comments

the city police hide in the dip in the road up against the trees across from the 55 mph speed limit sign — you can not see them until you are in the dip — you will be told that you are in a 45 mph zone until you pass the 55 mph sign! — this is a very deceptive trap — they catch you as you are transitioning from 45 to 55 and the dip adds a little extra 1 or 2 mph to your speed ( you can see and read the 55 mph sign but you can not see the hidden police)

Fort Gaines, Georgia

Fort Gaines, GeorgiaJan 30, 20110 Comments

The Fort Gaines city police sit out near the dam on Highway 39, usually at dusk and dawn with radar on cars heading south in front of the Corps of Engineers at the bottom of a hill right where the speed limit changes from 55 to 45. FYI the speeding fine is paid directly to the Chief of Police. P.S. if you want to speed around Fort Gaines do it on Highway 37 heading west through Fort Gaines, no radar ever there as the Chief and his extended family live at the top of the hill on Highway 37.

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