Hagan, Georgia Speed Traps

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In Hagan, Georgia between Reidsville and Claxton.

Hagan, GeorgiaMar 25, 20110 Comments

Traveling through rural Georgia from Reidsville to Claxton, the road suddenly becomes a 4-lane in what seems to be the middle of nowhere. Unexpectantly, the speed limit changes from 55 to 45. Why a 4-lane was needed here is a big question. Coming into the 2.2 miles that makes up Hagan in Evans County with all 898 people (according to the georgia.gov website), the speed quickly drops to 40 and then 35 before returning to a 2-lane and entering Claxton city limits (a much larger town). I have been stopped here twice: once, I was accused of drinking and swerving, although I was doing neither and required to blow into a breathalyzer. I questioned the officer and was rudely screamed at and told I had been taped on a video camera in his belt buckle (?) After a few moments, he came back with a warning which read I had crossed the “fog line” 5x. The other time, I was leaving Hagan and quite away from an semblance of “town” and thought the speed limit had already returned to 55. I was stopped for doing 62 in a 45. The officer wrote on the ticket that I was in a congested area under bad weather conditions. No other car even passed by the entire time he had me pulled over. This was rural Georgia! And although it was just turning dusk, it was not raining or foggy. There was no bad weather. That ticket cost me $200.

State Highway 280

Hagan, GeorgiaApr 02, 20090 Comments

Officers are sometimes parked near Highway 280, or they are patrolling Highway 280. There is no reasoning with the officers. The town coffers are running over as a result of the issuance of so many traffic tickets. Please slow down when going through Hagan, which is on the outskirts of Claxton, Ga.

(Hagan in Evans County)

State Highway highway 280 near State Highway highway 280

Hagan, GeorgiaOct 17, 20081 Comments

Once you enter the township of Hagan, please slow down. This town has become one of the deadliest speed traps in Georgia.

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