Hiram, Georgia Speed Traps
Bennett rd. between Pine valley rd. and Cleburne pkwy. you
AS YOU TURN OFF Pine Valley rd.(45 mph) onto Bennett rd. the 35 mph speed limit sign is ONLY 100+ ft. Tree limbs were obstructing the view(the limbs have since been cut back) The sheriff’s deputy’s are on this road once a week from what I’ve heard. the road has three curves before the bridge(1/2mi. As you come out of the last curve onto the straight away towards Cleburne ” they” are sitting OUT OF VIEW on the side road to McCravey subdivision. the other 35mph sign is 1000 ft. from Cleburne in the other direction. there are only 2 signs on the 1.5 mi. rd. They know its just about impossible to be going 35-45 mph when you just finished driving 45-55mph
Maybe if enough people complain, the speed limit could be made uniform in that area, otherwise its your cost is $200.00 per violation.
278 Hiram Ga Eastbound from Dallas
Begins on 278 heading east from the city of Dallas Ga. The speed limit
is 55 mph then at the light near Sparkle skating ring the speed limit reduces to 45 mph
Hiram police must have a new quota for 2011 tax shortages because I see pull overs where the limit decreases daily since the start of the year so hit the brakes prior to entering Hiram on 278 heading East bound
Josh Anderson Bridge on Bennett Road
As you come around the corner, going towards Cleburne Parkway. Speed limit is 35. It is impossible to see them before it is too late.
Bill Carruth Parkway-near water dept , and past nebo road
State patrol in conjuction with Paulding County run radar on this section of the parkway. the speed limit is 45 mph ,most traffic goes 55 to 60 mph. This is a by-pass to avoid the traffic conjestion on state route 92 in downtown hiram , and is the short cut to state 120 connector .
Ridge Rd & Waters Rd
Paulding County Sheriff’s will catch drives as they crest a hill and start a down hill entering Pritchard Elementary School Zone. The Sheriff’s stand at the bottom of hill picking drivers off as they top the entering into the school zone. On this occasion, one officer was using a laser and two others were writing tickets. As I topped the hill and entered into speed zone, the officer picked me off at over 1000 feet. The two officers writing tickets only had enough time between each ticket to move the previous driver out the way to start on the next one. The officer indicated that they pick a different school in Paulding County each time to setup at.