Lilburn, Georgia Speed Traps

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Ronald Reagan Parkway near State Route SR 124

Lilburn, GeorgiaJul 17, 20080 Comments

Cops on motorcycles and in vehicles backed in on both sides of the road

State Highway US29 near Indian Trail Road

Lilburn, GeorgiaSep 25, 20070 Comments

East bound on US29 Lawrencville Hwy coming down the hill just before the creek bridge before you get to Indian trail. They sit on right where old US29 comes back into US29. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. It’s 2 lanes each way plus a center lane. It’s down hill and hard to keep the speed from creeping up.

US Highway 78 near East Park Place Road

Lilburn, GeorgiaMar 29, 20041 Comments

Uniform Patrol cars sit in the Bank of America parking lot and run laser towards cars comming on hwy 78 from dekalb county. They are almost impossible to see unless you know to look for them. They also use the Helicopter at this location to catch street bikes who run from them which happens quite often at night.

Killian Hill Road 1/2 mile past hwy 29

Lilburn, GeorgiaMay 29, 20030 Comments

Watch out at night. Lilburn PD enjoys sitting in the dark facing the direction of traffic nabbing motorists as they pass by not even seeing the officer. This is something they do every night and into the morning darkness hours. Seen this from 7pm on a dark night and at 430am in the morning. Best bet is to have a radar detector in the town as they always seem to have their units on ready to go and you can pick them up pretty far off.

Lake Lucerne Road

Lilburn, GeorgiaJan 27, 20030 Comments

Lake Lucerne Road connects Highway 78 [Stone Mountain Freeway]and Five Forks Road. Speed limit goes from 35-25-35 again. Cops sit inside entrances to neighborhoods with laser guns. Cops always hide past line of sight such as over a hill or a turn. On Lake Lucerne Road, watch your speed. You can do easily 50-55 without knowing it.

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