Maysville, Georgia Speed Traps
Hwy 52 on north side of town.
If you are coming into town the speed limit drops from 55 to 35 just before the fire station. They sit back from the road and you cannot see them because of a hill beside road until too late. The fine is at least 160.00 and if you miss your court date they tack on 100.00 just to stop the bench warrant.
There is no way they can get you on there lazer from behind that hill but they claim it anyhow and the city has a judge come in once a month on the 3rd Tuesday. If you need time to pay your fine they put you on probation for an extra charge per month until it is paid.
State Highway 98/52 near State Highway 82
Like all Jackson County cities with cops, Maysville is notorious for speedtraps. It’s a small town with 55 decreasing down to 35 in downtown. Be especially wary at night. This town might not get as much recognition for speedtraps as nearby Pendergrass does, but the cops here are just as bad!
Homer Street near Gillsville Road
Speed heading from Homer into Maysville drops from 55 to 45 and then instantly to 25 miles per hour. Cops hide on private property to use radar. From the time you see the 25 mile per hour sign you don’t have time to drop from 45 to 25 unless you slam on your brakes. The price for going 9 miles an hour over the 25 speed limit was $180.00!