Sandersville, Georgia Speed Traps
Ridge Road
Law enforcements are hiding with radar. The speed limit has been changed to 45 mph due to the new school being built.
State Highway 15 near State Route 24
Sandersville Police Department enforces with Moderate Enforcement, no indication of enforcement of judgment call infractions � window tinting, loud music, dim tail lights, tag not properly displayed.
Tennille Police Department (next door, south of Sandersville on GA 15) enforces more aggressively. This is one of two different routes I take to Savannah from Athens GA and have been through four license check-points in Tennille in the middle of the day. Also, no indication of judgement call tickets. Watch the speed and have all your paperwork in order and you�ll be fine.
Highway 24, 11 miles West of Sandersville
Short, down hill passing zone, Officer is posted at a Church building. His car is the same/similar color as the brick background. The passing zone is the first in several miles going West on Route 24. He is not positioned to promote safety but to catch passing motorists who must exceed the posted limit to pass in the short passing zone.