Snellville, Georgia Speed Traps

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The town of Snellville, along HWY 78

Snellville, GeorgiaFeb 01, 20121 Comments

Most of HWY 78 is 45 mph except where NEW 35 mph signs have been posted. The new 35 mph speed limit begins from the McDonald’s located at Henry Clower Blvd and continues until you pass HWY 84 (Grayson Parkway). This has just recently been changed. These signs are many and so new that the "school Zone" speed limit sign that hangs OVER HWY 78, still says "35 mph when FLASHING." A family member was sited for speeding going 47 mph, I drove to through town 20 minutes later, and 4 of Snellville’s finest had pulled over a car a piece. Be careful out there ~

Rosebud & 78

Snellville, GeorgiaFeb 09, 20111 Comments

Since some police can’t do radar in Gwinnett County, they are looking for anything else they can to get your money!
Watch making a turn into Papa John’s they will say you turn in to soon into the center lane (turn lane not marked) …..when there is no other business or drives that you could turn to, also traffic going the other direction has no need of a turn lane, SOOOOOO no one would be in that center lane. ALL for the $$$$$$$$$$!

Ronald Reagan parkway & Web Ginn House Road

Snellville, GeorgiaJul 20, 20100 Comments

Gwinnett Police cruisers and Motorcycles are very bad on Ronald Reagan Parkway period. This is due to such a low speed limit of 50 miles per hour on an almost interstate type road. They will sit and wait at the Webb Ginn House road exit for unsuspecting victims going east down hill only to be followed by an uphill over Web Ginn House road overpass. I just set the cruise on 58 or 59mph all the way now on Ronald Reagan and no more harrassment or very costly $ tickets.

Main St. East at Odum St.

Snellville, GeorgiaMay 06, 20100 Comments

Snellville PD sits on the concrete island at this intersection and lasers eastbound traffic mostly. Limit is 35. 46 and above and you’re toast!

Main St. East at Henry Clower Blvd.

Snellville, GeorgiaApr 27, 20101 Comments

Baptist chruch parking lot, lasering eastbound traffic very early in the AM. Also same location during evening rush. They get you if the light catches you stuck in the intersection

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