Statham, Georgia Speed Traps
Barber Creek Rd. Street
Speed limit signs 35mph only about 20ft. from 45mph. Late at night the 35mph signs have children at play located just below speed limit sign therfore late at night you would think that its 45 thru there. People are walking on that road late sometimes but their making money.PD should be concerned with that problem instead of a driver that`s not quite sure what the speed limit is there anyway.easy ticket.
State Route 324 near State Route 211
Statham gives vehicles plenty of signs in their town. Leading up to where 324 and 211 intersect they sit in the bank parking lot, and pretty much every other parking lot. Posted limits begin at 45mph and drop to 35mph as you cross the intersection. Going 5-10mph over the limit "may" get you a ticket, while 10-15 over will surely set you back a good $100+. Be careful, drive slowly as you approach, and once you are out of Statham you should be alright. Police also sit on the Statham city limits of 316. So watch it there as well. They do not have that much of a presence due to the amount of space they control, but if you get caught in the trap, you’ll be paying.