Union Point, Georgia Speed Traps
State Route 44 near State Route 77
The Trap Is set just where the Speed Limit Goes from 55 Mph to 45 Mph. There is only a small part of this road that is in Union Point. How ever they watch it all the time. They Target drivers with out of area, or out of State Plates.
US Highway 278 near State Highway 12
one marked car two unmarked cars sit along road and in fastfood parking area
State Hwy.44 from city limits to center of town
City limits extend 3 miles from center of this small town. Posted speed limit is 35 mph throughout entire city of Union Point. More tickets writted by this city than rest of entire county police and city police departments. Traffic Court Judge has no mercy. No warnings given to anyone.City depends on income from tickets to fund city government.
Anyone with out of state license plates should be aware of traps. We were stopped for driving with "bright lights" on a dark street (the bright lights were NOT on).