Pali, Hawaii Speed Traps
State Highway Pali near Kailua bound side of tunnel
Police car sits to off to the right in or near the first truck safety ramp shortly after leaving the tunnel, Kailua Bound. They are mostly out late nights so are hard to spot. Speed limit drops drastically and it’s downhill so they give tickets all night and make money.
State Highway Pali
Going town bound on the bottom of Pali just past the traffic light, they usually are off to the right side behind the bushes
State Highway Pali near Wylie St. Offramp
Camaro is parked constantly behind the Wylie St. Offramp sign. The car is hidden by the sign and ususally backs up completely into the nearby bushes. There are also Two police vehicles that sit at Ma’ema’e elementary school (also on Wylie St.) at night, issuing tickets for speeding in a school zone. Be Careful! The speed limits in these locations are rediculous!