Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Speed Traps
State Highway H-1 near Aloha Stadium to Airport
H-1 Freeway east bound, near Pearl Harbor, past the Aloha Stadium heading towards the Honolulu International Airport. Motorcycle cops are anywhere along this stretch, especially where the freeway straightens out after a curve, as well as they also hide under the overpasses. Usually there are at least three solo bike officers at a time. Police also monitor the opposite direction on this same stretch of freeway, although a little less frequently.
H-1 Westbound offramp/ Hwy 92
Motorcycle cops sit around a curve in a dirt pull off in which vision is blocked by the H-1 overpass retaining wall. The only indication you received that speed has dropped is the usual colored off-ramp sign of 35 mph. The first white speed limit sign you see is about 1/4 mile down, from where the cops sit. Most are still slowing down on the downhill ramp and rounding the corner, only to get nailed by one of three Honolulu motorcycle cops. The road is six lanes coming in, and can easily handle a 60 mph sprint before dividing into lanes for Hickam and Pearl Harbor. This one is even nastier than the HPD sitting at the top of the exit leaving the bases as reported by another driver (at least there, you see them before they can put a bead on you). This one also is purely out to gouge military people also and is in the purest classic sense a speed trap. I learned the hard way, watching the guy in front of me get nailed, as I was pacing behind him.