Blackfoot, Idaho Speed Traps

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Highway 39

Blackfoot, IdahoOct 11, 20100 Comments

From 26 for about 1.5 miles it’s 45 and they really hammer it. Slow down!

Highway 39 from SRHS to Aberdeen

Blackfoot, IdahoOct 11, 20100 Comments

It’s 60 mph and they write a lot of tickets on that stretch. There are always cops on that road. Don’t go over 64 or so or you’re going to spend money on a ticket.

East Airport Road

Blackfoot, IdahoNov 11, 20090 Comments

Be sure to watch your speed on East Airport Road; this road is patrolled often.

Rich Lane

Blackfoot, IdahoApr 07, 20090 Comments

Be sure to watch your speed along Rich Lane; this road is often patrolled.

Rich Lane

Blackfoot, IdahoJun 04, 20080 Comments

Rich Lane from the stock yard to the city line.
30 MPH, and they mean it. Always a city officer there.


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