Boise, Idaho Speed Traps

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Between Saxton Drive and Riverglen Junior High on Gary Lane

Boise, IdahoApr 15, 20240 Comments

Bad is parking at street corners back from the Gary Lane to help avoid detection.

Myrtle Street near Avenue A

Boise, IdahoAug 24, 20160 Comments

Traveling eastbound on Myrtle, just before Ave. A, a motorcycle officer often sits on the left near the side of the Winco store, shooting laser. This is during the morning rush hour. The speed limit there has been reduced to 25 due to construction up ahead at Broadway. They also sometimes shoot KA Band in that area (motorcycles).

Ustick and Wildwood

Boise, IdahoMay 19, 20150 Comments

Motorcycle cop hangs out in private driveway behind a small billboard. Radarring people going east bound on Ustick.

The Morman Church on Northview St.

Boise, IdahoJan 19, 20140 Comments

A motorcycle Policeman will sit in the east parking lot of the Morman Church on Northview Street and point his radar gun either east or west. The limit is only 25 M.P.H. on Northview, so he can get his quota in no time at all.

Frankling Road near Maple Grove

Boise, IdahoJul 11, 20130 Comments

Travel East on Franklin Road. Bike cop on left of the street just after you pass the Maple Grove intersection. The cop sits in the Architectural Metal Works parking lot. You will be going downhill and just getting out of a 45 speed limit down to a 35 speed limit. He likes to get ya when its still dark out. Sneaky guy.

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