Bartonville, Illinois Speed Traps

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Pfeiffer Road—between Airport Road and Baker Lane

Bartonville, IllinoisSep 11, 20120 Comments

Bartonville Police Officers sit either in the dip between Airport Road and Baker Lane or right at Baker Lane. ESPECIALLY after school lets out at Limestone High School.

Garfield and Airport Road

Bartonville, IllinoisSep 11, 20120 Comments

Either Peoria County Sheriff or Bartonville Police back into the end of Garfield—just past the driveway into the library.

On Airport Road between Library and Limestone High School

Bartonville, IllinoisSep 11, 20120 Comments

Bartonville Police Officers park in the parking lot for the tennis courts (also extra school parking) in order to catch those heades to school and away from school.

State Route 24 near Mendenhall Road

Bartonville, IllinoisAug 29, 20080 Comments

Officers sit at the turn offs going into Bartonville and at the area where it changes from 55 to 45 and they have just gotten a motorcycle to patrol with so be on the lookout for it they gotta pay for it somehow

State Route 24 near Pfieffer Road

Bartonville, IllinoisAug 10, 20080 Comments

Police back in between boat store and also in old allied mills parking lot shooting both East and West

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