Bourbonnais, Illinois Speed Traps

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Career Center Rd.

Bourbonnais, IllinoisApr 26, 20100 Comments

Bourbonnais’ finest love to park at the softball fields and/or the Lutheran Church on Career Center Road just north of Route 102 (Main St.) at random times of the day. This road does lend itself to making you feel like you can drive faster than the posted speed limit, and people have been hurt and even killed in accidents around there, so be careful!

US Highway Route 45 near Manteno Road

Bourbonnais, IllinoisFeb 07, 20080 Comments

Radar enforcement by Sheriff Police in both directions north of Manteno Road.


Bourbonnais, IllinoisJan 25, 20030 Comments

The police in Bourbonnais have their radar on CONSTANTLY – this is no joke. The frequently sit in the parking lot of the funeral home on Route 45 heading North out of town, especially in the morning / evening rush hours. And there is no getting out of the ticket.

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