Bull Valley, Illinois Speed Traps
West of Northern Illinois Medical Center on Bull Valley Rd
Right before you hit Cold Springs Road going west, there is a long hill with a 35 speed limit that you go down traveling toward Woodstock. They sit at the bottom of the hill at night in the winter. They do not sand the hill and if you touch your brakes and find your vehicle’s back end starts passing your front end, and decide to coast down the hill to avoid an accident, and if your speed creeps up a couple of mph, they nail you. No explanation that you are trying to drive as safely as condition warrant is acceptable.
Valley Hill Between Mason Hill and Bull Valley rd
traveling eaither north or south you decend a hill that unless you ride your breaks you travel be travel ing at 50-55 mph in a 40 mph zone. The police sit midway between the bottom of both hills and zap you no time for a detector unless you’re behind someone who gets zaped.
Country Club Road Between Hillside and Flemming
They hide in driveways, and roads along this stretch of road. They also have two unmarked cruisers one black and one tan both Chevy & impala’s. They really have to justify their jobs these days, pulling people over for 2 mph over the posted speed limit. They got me doing 42 in a 40, searched my truck, and asking questions they have no business asking. They let me go with a warning. It helped that my grandfather is a McHenry County Judge.
Between S. Fleming & Blackberry Dr. on Bullvalley Rd.
This would be the 9700 block of Bull Valley Rd. Speed limit is 35 mph. Going East from South Fleming you are going down hill. Bull Valley Cops are the worst.
Bull Valley Road near Cold Springs Road
Be careful when heading east on Bull Valley Road when it intersects with Cold Springs Road. Johnny Law likes to sit on Cold Springs Road against an embankment catching you rolling a stop sign and then speeding into a turn on Bull Valley. Trust me you see him until it is way too late! Good Luck!