Decatur, Illinois Speed Traps

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Airport Road

Decatur, IllinoisApr 30, 20092 Comments

Airport Road from Country Club Road South to Rt. 36

United States Highway 36 & S 70th St

Decatur, IllinoisOct 27, 20080 Comments

County cops will sit on East side of Long Creek in township gov. parking lot. Also will sit at Casey’s late at night to get DUI’s. Usually at night or early AM (1 AM).

Southside Drive

Decatur, IllinoisSep 11, 20080 Comments

Between Rt 48 & Rt 51

Water Street

Decatur, IllinoisSep 11, 20080 Comments

Water Street between Grand & Pershing Road

Viaduct Street near 22nd Street

Decatur, IllinoisOct 31, 20070 Comments

Going over the staley viaduct, there will be a cop standing at the top and radioing to other cops waiting at the bottom of the viaduct

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