East St. Louis, Illinois Speed Traps

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just after 64 – 55/70 split

East St. Louis, IllinoisMay 08, 20100 Comments

This is a 50 mph zone, the Police sit on the second overpass (can not see until too late) with chase cars waiting. this spot seems to be used more often the past month or so (05-2010)


East St. Louis, IllinoisMar 01, 20021 Comments

Heavy police present on I-64 near East St. Louis. The cars are unmarked and and use Mustangs, Camaros, and Corvettes. Mostly use X-Band Radar. Numerous speed trap points. Several speed monitoring devices disquised (sorry for spelling errors) as construction signs. Speed limit is 55 in that area, I suggest you obey it. I have see patrol cars in mass quantities several times a month.

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