Easton, Illinois Speed Traps

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Easton Il.

Easton, IllinoisFeb 02, 20120 Comments

Sometimes he likes to sit on the west side. Right were the speed changes from 45 to 25. The second left in town, one block back. It’s often better to take the black top just north of town and just go around. You will get pulled over for 1 or 2 miles over in Easton.


Easton, IllinoisMar 31, 20101 Comments

Tiny town and almost always local officer shoot speed trap. Wrote me for 34 in a 30.

State Highway 10 near US Highway 136

Easton, IllinoisOct 25, 20061 Comments

Easton is a small town and has one city police office (retired state trooper)… He is on duty at various times of the day.. you never know when he’s going to be there…

you come into town an it slows from 55 to 45 to 25 then up to 30… I was pulled over for 26 in the 25 and only given a verbal warning. but was warned next time he wouldn’t be so nice.

As of late, he’s been ticketing people (none local)

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