Harvel, Illinois Speed Traps

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Harvel – entering or leaving town.

Harvel, IllinoisMar 22, 20101 Comments

The town consists of a porta-pottie and a street light. Barnie Fife waits till you roll thru and then gives chase at 100mph. More drama than the COPS show. Their part-time police department consists of 1 man, for the purpose of issuing tickets for the purpose of paying for their police department. I think he works at the Casey’s store the rest of the time, so be careful what you say.

State Highway IL-48 near N 24th Avenue

Harvel, IllinoisMay 12, 20080 Comments

This is a very small town that in my opinion is unfairly collecting funds from unsuspecting motorists that happen to be using Rt. 48 to access I-55. There are not speed limit reduction signs that are a good distance outside of town, relative to other cities I have driven through. There are no stop signs or stop lights in Harvel, and the town is less than 1 mile long. Other persons whom I have spoken to say that they have no idea where the officer was, and it is always the same Harvel City policeman–a very young man with red hair. Speed limit reduces from 55 to 45 mph in Harvel.

State Highway Rt. 48 near Holmer Road

Harvel, IllinoisFeb 02, 20060 Comments

Harvel is a rual village, built around a railway siding to a grain elevator. Speed is posted at 45mph. Cop sets back on cross road out of sight from Ill Rt.48

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