Lakemoor, Illinois Speed Traps

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Northbound US-12 at RT-120 (Right Turn lane)

Lakemoor, IllinoisSep 18, 20131 Comments

I rec’d a $100 ticket from a camera at this intersection for not coming to a complete stop. Here’s a copy of the letter I sent to the Village of Lakemoor.

Firstly, I pay this ticket reluctantly. Please note that my vehicle is registered as a 5-speed manual transmission. It is NOT an automatic transmission. In order to come to a stop, I must first downshift. "Downshifting" is a term used by people who drive manual transmission(s). It is defined as "to shift a motor vehicle into a lower gear". Sometimes, when "downshifting", the transmission will pop out of gear altogether if deceleration is not in tune with the transmission’s rpm’s. If you notice at the 00:05 mark of your evidential video ("Red Light Violation"), you’ll see what appears to be the car jumping/skipping gears (hesitates). You will also notice that there is NO brake lights being hit at that same time, so the vehicle is obviously slowing down via "downshifting". At that time, my vehicle popped out of gear (which was accidental and not intended), and as a result, coasted past the intersection’s stop line. There was no intent to run a red light, as shortly thereafter I did hit my brakes. Again, I reiterate; there was an attempt to come to a complete stop, but my vehicle fell out of gear at that very same time. Beyond that point in time, I coasted into an area whereby I was able to see the oncoming traffic eastbound on Highway 120. In order to see clearly at that intersection, it will always be necessary to go beyond the stop line (for the purpose of clear visibility). If you remain at the stop line to view oncoming traffic, the "line of sight" for eastbound traffic will not and cannot be seen at all. So, it is absolutely necessary to go beyond the stop line before entering traffic in order to see oncoming traffic and to, in turn, prevent a collision into this oncoming traffic. While I agree, a complete stop was not attained, I also vehemently protest the very nature of this sting operation. I use the term "sting" or "revenue generator", because the Village of Lakemoor has hastily decided to put this ticketing camera at an inherently flawed intersection. I’m sure this has made tons of money for your city services, because I would gather that I am not the only one that’s been ticketed/duped as a result of said inherent flaws.

I will be posting this letter online, so that others may not be scammed by your rather inconspicuous attempt at generating revenue at said rigged intersection. It is absolutely absurd that you would pick this intersection to test out your new "big brother" apparat i.

On Lily Lake Rd south of Rte 120

Lakemoor, IllinoisSep 03, 20100 Comments

Hilly road where speed limit drops from 40 to 30; a patrol car is waiting and he is not very friendly.

State Route 120 near between rt 12 and chapel hill rd

Lakemoor, IllinoisApr 23, 20081 Comments

if you speed in this town your asking for harrassment

State Route 120

Lakemoor, IllinoisFeb 15, 20040 Comments

Don’t speed…you should do the posted speed limit. It’s the law….

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