Lansing, Illinois Speed Traps
I-94/I-80 W, and Torrence Ramp
There is a state trooper that sits on the Torrence ramp and can get individuals going W either on I-94 or on I-80. There is also an emergency parking lot on the right side of I-94 just before Torrence Ave where cops know how to sit and get you. Also, ~2-3 blocks W of Wentworth overpass on I-94 (both E and W), the cops know how to sit on the slow shoulder hidden in a break in the noise control wall.
186th and Stony Island Ave
There is a County Sheriff parked somewhere in the forest preserve (I have no clue where the hell he came from, he just showed up out of nowhere) who waits to catch unsuspecting motorists as soon as they turn onto Stony Island.
You see, 186th street is a 45 MPH zone, so naturally when you make a turn on Stony Island, you keep the same speed limit. Well, not so fast…the speed limit on Stony Island is 30 MPH, so you’re supposed to slow down 15 MPH less when you make the turn onto Stony.
The officer claims that the residents have been complaining about speeders. Yeah right!
Torrence Avenue near 179TH Street
Police sit on the street between Cam Golf & apartment on 179th
Ridge Road near School Street
This is a school zone for Memorial Junior High. The 20 mph limit (when children are going to/ coming from school) is clearly marked with large signs and flashing lights. I routinely see police parked within a block of the school and usually they have someone pulled over. Be careful in this school zone for it is right on a well-traveled street.
Burnham Avenue near 186 TH ST. Street
Morning and/or afternoon. Squad is usually parked in the church parking lot by the high school. Can clock speed of north or south bound traffic.