Lasalle, Illinois Speed Traps

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Interstate 80 near Interstate 39

Lasalle, IllinoisSep 12, 20070 Comments

State Police are regularly posted in a wide paved area between the Eastbound and Westbound lanes on Interstate 80 between I-39 interchange and the LaSalle Exit on I-80

State Route 6 near Interstate 39

Lasalle, IllinoisMay 26, 20070 Comments

It is a two wheel trailer setup on the bridge about a mile east of i39 on rte6.
It looks like a portable unmanned radar system with a camera on it, and displays your speed to show you how fast you are going.

It belongs to the Lasalle police department.

State Highway 351 near South of I&M Canal

Lasalle, IllinoisMay 11, 20050 Comments

IL 351 South of the Canal to the Illinois River

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