Machesney Park, Illinois Speed Traps

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Route 173 & I90 Interchange

Machesney Park, IllinoisSep 30, 20100 Comments

Getting off Tollway (I90) and heading West on 173 – must be VERY careful of speed. Comfortable with 65 on the Highway it’s hard to reduce to 45 when there is NOTHING (not a house or business) just straight clear 4 lanes as you approach curve where the lanes shrink to 2. Then the speed limit jumps up to 55 and then down again to 45 as you approach Perryville.

Cops like to sit facing East in a "left turn lane to nowhere" to pick off speeders doing 55. The only speed limit sign indicating "45" is right after you exit the Tollway heading West. For those who remember 173 as 55 all the way – miss this sign and you will pay!

Harlem Road near School

Machesney Park, IllinoisDec 12, 20070 Comments

The police park in the school parking lot with radar often.

Ralston Road near Bluebonnet or Hollybrook Drive

Machesney Park, IllinoisApr 09, 20050 Comments

Two Sherrif’s deputies sit at Ralston School, one facing Ralston Road and the other facing away. Generally they do this late at night when the bars are closing, but I’ve seen a few of them there during the day.

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