Mahomet, Illinois Speed Traps

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South edge of town on IL 47 just north of the Sangamon River

Mahomet, IllinoisApr 01, 20100 Comments

Village cops will sit in the entrance to the gravel pit in the evenings on the West side of the road. Speed limit drops from 55 to 35 in less than 1/2 mile. They can be found at this location some days during daylight but will back up further into the gravel entrance so they aren’t seen until you pass them.

IL Rt 47 north of town

Mahomet, IllinoisMar 30, 20100 Comments

Speed limit decreases to 40 mph near Lake of the Woods forest preserve. Police car often located in cemetery entrance on east side of road.

Prairieview Road near Middletown Drive

Mahomet, IllinoisNov 08, 20070 Comments

Enforcement runs from I-74 to Middletown Dr. Both County and Village police can be found sitting anywhere along the route, usually in a business lot or in one of the side streets on the west side of the road. Tickets are given for as little as 5 mph over the 35 mph limit.

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