Metropolis, Illinois Speed Traps
US 45 in Metropolis IL
US 45 Southbound in Metropolis IL is in a state park but also in city limits. They sit there waiting for out of state drivers.
You can go on the Internet and see they have a policy that their speed traps are to raise money.
Too bad for them. We will never go back. We spent far more money at the casino than they got from the speeding ticket.
Massac County primarily Interstate-2 (I-24)
Speeders Sought to Help Boost Massac Budget
METROPOLIS, IL – Prompted by the continuing financial crisis in Illinois, Massac County officials have chosen a novel way to bolster their faltering ledger sheet.
Massac County deputies will apparently be on the lookout for speeders; and the cash their speeding tickets can bring to the county.
A recent Illinois law raised the fine for speeding from $75 to $120.
With the money going back to the county from which the traffic violations occur, county commissions have instructed the sheriff’s department to write enough tickets to justify the re-instatement of a dispatcher and deputy who have been laid-off.
According to the Metropolis Planet, the suggestion was brought to the county commissioners at Tuesday’s meeting of the county board by Chief Deputy and Circuit Clerk.
Chief Deputy reportedly told the board that the layoff of a deputy had forced the department to cut back on patrols on Interstate 24.
The re-instatement of a deputy, along with the increase in the cost of speeding tickets, could significantly bolster the county’s finances.
The board did not agree to re-hire the deputy, but instructed the sheriff’s department to try to write 250 tickets in the next month; at which point the board would consider re-instating a deputy.
US Highway 45 near Interstate 24
From Interstate 24 alway the way to the casino in town is very well patroled speed limit is reduced several times. Be careful!
US Highway 45 near Mary’s Lane
The area between I-24 and the stoplight intersection of 12th street is a popular spot, especially in the mornings. Cruisers will hide back on the wooded state park side of the road across from Mary’s Lane. Hard to see if you’re coming in to town from the interstate because it’s just past a curve. It’s a 45mph speed limit on a wide open 4 lane highway that has just dropped from 55mph in the area closer to the interstate.