Naperville, Illinois Speed Traps

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Naper Boulevard near Hoson Road

Naperville, IllinoisJul 17, 20080 Comments

Unmarked Dk Silver Dodge Magnum sits just north of Hobson Rd. on Naper Blvd. in the new 7/14/08 work zone. Saw a person pulled over at 6:00 am the past two mornings. I have also seen an unmarked Dk Blue Dodege Magnum in town.

Plainfield/Naperville Road near Bettween 87th and 75th Street

Naperville, IllinoisJul 17, 20081 Comments

Police cars drive up and down circling just on this stretch of the road. When there is a speeding car they pull a U-turn and pull them over

WEST Street near KNOCK PARK Way

Naperville, IllinoisJun 02, 20080 Comments

Hiding in garden plots

Falcon Drive near Cloverdale Road

Naperville, IllinoisApr 28, 20080 Comments

Unmarked cars and motorcycles running radar on Falcon but I got a seat belt ticket for going through my own neighborhood!

Naperville/Plainfield Road near Between 83rd and 75th street

Naperville, IllinoisApr 25, 20080 Comments

Between 83rd and 75th street the road dips and there is a gravel entrance to the forest preserve at the bottom of the hill. Mostly Dupage Sheriffs sit there and use Ka band radar. I have a radar detector and it saved me the first couple times, now i just slow down. Ive seen numerous people pulled over.

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