Oak Park, Illinois Speed Traps

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Chicago Ave (eastbound) at Scoville Ave

Oak Park, IllinoisOct 10, 20150 Comments

Police monitor this stretch of Chicago Ave vigilantly after a series of collisions. They will also aggressively ticket if a pedestrian is trying to cross Chicago Ave and you do not come to a complete stop for the pedestrian. Speeding tickets seem to be what they’re after. (Speed limit is 25mph) Slow down there, take it from me!

Austin Ave and Greenfield

Oak Park, IllinoisSep 21, 20110 Comments

The police car is parked on Greenfield facing east and clocks cars that drive south on Austin during morning rush hour. Greenfield is located south of North Ave. The entire Autsin Ave is a speed trap form North Ave to maybe Lake Ave. This area boarders with Chicago.

Ridgeland Avenue near Between Filmore & Harvard Street

Oak Park, IllinoisMay 14, 20080 Comments

A police car will sit facing north in the Washington Irving school lot, well hidden from drivers coming north because they are shielded by the dumpsters – so they’re sitting far enough back from plain sight of drivers. I’ve seen patrol cars sitting there during rush hour traffic and on weekends. They are not visible to the driver but passengers can spot them readily.

Harlem Avenue near North Avenue Avenue

Oak Park, IllinoisOct 14, 20070 Comments

I live on Harlem Avenue and have seen steady enforcement on Harlem Avenue between Greenfield and LeMoine. During mid-day and officer would give out around 5 tickets on average during about an hour time period. He would nestle in between cars parked on Harlem and then pull over speeders just north of LeMoine. Then he’d do a loop down the alley and either park on Greenfield and monitor speed or return to Harlem.

North Avenue near Taylor Avenue

Oak Park, IllinoisFeb 09, 20060 Comments

Between Narragansett Ave and Austin when you are on W North Ave., there is a cop hiding just out of sight on a small street away from the corner. He changes sometimes, but it’s right by the Amoco BP gas station. He will be on either Taylor or Lombard near 4pm, I have caught him there and luckily my RD nabs him everytime. He’s clocking with K-Band. Speed limit here is 30, but flow of traffic is usually 40 and up. Still he may just get someone at random for speeding. So don’t assume the flow of traffic is justified here cus it isn’t.

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