Phoenix, Illinois Speed Traps

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Halsted Street near 155th thru 153rd Street

Phoenix, IllinoisJul 22, 20080 Comments

Speed limits drops from 40 to 30 and once you cross over the railroad tracks you better watch out they are there

151st Street near Old Halsted Street

Phoenix, IllinoisJul 22, 20080 Comments

Watch out here also the speed limit is 20MPH the police will sit facing eastbound next to a bar called "Smittys" Oh yea the have a unmarked green pickup, and you will not noticed it until it is pulling you over. They are good!

Halsted Street near rail road Crossing

Phoenix, IllinoisApr 14, 20060 Comments

When you come down north on halsted once entering this small town be careful because they are about a block away from the railroad crossing behind an abandoned white building you wont see him until he sees you!

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