Rantoul, Illinois Speed Traps

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on a north south rural road at the very edge of rantoul

Rantoul, IllinoisJun 14, 20100 Comments

coming up from the south, approaching the main east/west road through rantoul about 2 blocks from the I 57 entrance, there is a driver’s license facility and a black unmarked cop sits there. the road has been corn on both sides for miles, and the cop hides after the first building of fast food and gas station clutter. the 30 mph limit is damn near secret, and is insane. any rural blacktop road would be 50 mph. i got nailed for 51.

US Highway 45 near Wheat Avenue

Rantoul, IllinoisOct 17, 20050 Comments

When one is entering Rantoul on 45 coming from Urbana, the speed limit abruptly changes from 55 to 50 well outside of the actual city of Rantoul. I was pulled over for doing 57 in what I believed was still a 55 zone. The officer gave me a warning and stated that the speed limit in that area keeps changing from 55 to 50 and back again…and has for the past few years.

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