Rochester, Illinois Speed Traps

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route 29

Rochester, IllinoisMay 05, 20100 Comments

route 29 entering town from the south police sit in median right at speed limit change. On route 29 between rochester and Springfield police sit in median , along side roads and patrol in squad cars in both directions of four lane ata all times af the day.

State Highway Route 29

Rochester, IllinoisDec 30, 20050 Comments

In Rochester,Illinois near the only stop light in town. This stoplight is on a moderate downhill grade, the officer uses radar while sitting in the high school parking lot moderately above the street. The posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour. Here is a "hint" for truckers, Illinois puts a "speed limit" sign on the same post as the sign that designates the population and name of the city. State law says 30 mph. for urban streets and 20 mph. for school zones on days when school is in session. Speed limit signs for schools read "school zone" in bright yellow at the top of the sign.

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